07 August 2010

My Message To Junior

Assalamulaikum wbt..

How hard is going to be for IO operation in C on linux machine?
How hard is going to be for read all file directories and search for meta data tag?
How hard is going to be to inherit multiple control classes for custom control in WinCE?
How hard is going to be to for database retrieval in Silverlight using Isolated Storage?
How hard is going to be to incorporate multiple point sdk availble in Win 7?
How hard is going to be to use ExecuteNonQuery method in C#?
How hard is going to be to have ObjectStream to read and write data in text file?
How hard is going to be to read data stream on UDP by java.net classes?

Those who live on respect is the one who know his own weakness, his own fallacies, his own dignity better than anyone else.

No one knows the answer.
Unless you try it on your own, keeping your path right upon you.
You hold your own faith.


-my message for all my juniors-


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terima kasih.